
We built flo because existing tools were not cutting it for us and we kept finding ourselves saying things like:

“It should be easy to swap in development data for production data.” - @bo_p

“It should be easy to work on one file at a time.” - @mstringer

“It should be easy to avoid making costly mistakes.” - @deanmalmgren

There are many ways one could conceivably write a data analysis workflow from scratch, from writing single programs that ingest, analyze and visualize data to simple scripts that each handle one part of the puzzle. Particularly when developing workflows from scratch, we have the strong opinion that writing small scripts with intermediate outputs is a much more effective way to develop a prototype data workflow. In our experience, we find it to be very convenient to edit a script, run it, and repeat several times to make sure it is behaving the way we intend. For one thing, this pattern makes it far easier to spot check results using a litany of available command line tools. For another, this pattern makes it easy to identify weak links (e.g. incorrect results, poor performance, etc.) in the analysis and improve them piece by piece after the entire workflow has been written the first time.

design goals

This package is deliberately designed to help users write small, but compact workflow prototypes using whatever tools they prefer — R, pandas, scipy, hadoop. The goal here is not to provide a substitute for these tools, but rather to be the glue that sticks them together. It takes inspiration from a number of existing tools that have similar aims, particularly GNU make that has many desirable properties of working with data workflows. Specifically, the design goals for this project are to:

  • Provide an easy-to-use framework. This applies for n00bs and pros alike. Use human-readable syntax.
  • Prevent, as much as reasonably possible, costly mistakes. Avoid inadvertently rerunning commands that overwrite results or executing commands that take a long time.
  • Encourage good development practices, but allow for flexibility. There’s a tradeoff here, but we have an opinion on how to do this in a good way.

prior art

GNU make

GNU make is a very useful tool that was designed mostly for building complicated software packages. It works particularly well when you are compiling a bunch of .c or .h files into .o files because you can use rules to define how .o files are created from a bunch of dependencies (and usually not too many of them). I’ve used this to manage data workflows too and, provided you’re only working by yourself and you are comfortable with its arcane file format, make is a great tool. A few things make make less desireable, particularly for managing data workflows that tend to take hours or days rather than minutes.

  • make uses timestamps, instead of hashes, to determine when a file is out of date with the rest. This isn’t so terrible, except when you’re working in an asynchronous development environment with hg or git that does not version the timestamp of files.
  • Makefiles are extraordinarily picky and not terribly easy for n00bs to use. Even for those that are fluent in Makefile, looking over a Makefile is pretty cumbersome and not easy to read. This is a downer when you’re trying to rapidly develop.
  • make does not run in parallel or, if it does, it requires a deeper understanding of its arcane format than I am comfortable with. Particularly with data workflows that can potentially take days to complete, this is a very undesireable behavior.
  • make is filesystem based, but doesn’t have the ability to test whether databases or cloud storage has been updated. This is pretty important for data workflows.


Invoke is intended to be a make replacement for python with a nice Fabric-like command line interface. It is function/class based rather than file based and, because its in python, you can basically do anything you need to within an invoke script. Downsides include:

  • Because its function/class based, there is a lot of syntactic bloat that does not make invoke scripts considerably longer than they need to be.
  • Although invoke does provide a ‘pre’ keyword argument, it is not possible to run an invoke script without rerunning the entire workflow (git issue here). Although its certainly possible to extend invoke to address this use case, its not clear that it’ll be enough to address all the use cases that we have in mind.


Fabric is a tool that is intended for application deployment to many different servers simultaneously. It has a great command-line interface for deployment and DevOps, but doesn’t provide a lot of out-of-the box functionality for managing data workflows. Downsides include:

  • Fabric parallelizes tasks across machines, not tasks. In data analysis situations, you can actually divvy up analysis tasks depending on what data files are or not available.
  • fabfiles tend to get big rather quickly, even for relatively mundane jobs. The fact that its in python is nice, but probably not necessary for running a data analysis workflow.
  • There is no default way of detecting whether a task needs to be run based on timestamps or hashes. Its certainly possible to extend Fabric to address this issue.


Drake is intended to be the “make for data”. Drakefiles have a very similar look and feel of Makefiles. It has some pretty decent advantages over make in that it comes pre-equipped with parallelization and with filesystem, S3 and HDFS integration, but there are a few key disadvantages:

  • It is based on timestamps. This makes it tricky to develop when working in an asynchronous development environment like hg or git.
  • Its written in clojure, which makes it difficult for most data people to contribute too (?), or at least difficult for this data person to read.

AWS Data Pipeline

Amazon’s Data Pipeline is intended to organize data pipelines that occur entirely in Amazon’s cloud. This seems extremely handy if you’re playing entirely within Amazon’s walls, but not terribly convenient for a wide range or projects where a cloud solution is unnecessarily overkill.

Predictive Modeling Markup Language (PMML)

PMML is a language to define workflows in data analysis. There appear to be many tools that will execute PMML workflows, for example Augustus and Zementis for executing on Amazon Web Services. It appears to be geared more toward developing robust, “enterprise” workflows as opposed to rapid development.


KNIME is a graphical interface for defining data and analysis steps in a data workflow. I’m sure its possible to write custom analysis steps in KNIME to make it more practical in real world situations, but the tight coupling between the pipeline definition and actually running an analysis and doing some visualization is highly unappealing for the use cases I have in mind. Nonetheless, its worth mentioning. The GUI is admittedly kinda nice and certainly easier to understand for n00bs.